News Stories

HPA Demo Room: Part I

The HPA Tech Retreat hosts a popular demo room. At this year’s exhibition:

–Skymicro is exhibiting a real-time monitoring system for stereo 3D production. It was developed with, and available through, Technicolor’s Creative Bridge.

–TDVision is previewing a new feature for its 2D+ Delta 3D encoding system, which would offer 1080p 3D, per eye, for Blu-Ray or broadcast applications. The company’s Ethan Schur added that the technology would be backward compatible.

–MTI Film is previewing Control Dailies DA (digital acquisition), which provides direct integration with digital cinema cameras like Red, P2, D21 and Genesis in the dailies environment. Related, it is also previewing its Control Color color module for the dailies system.

–Xytech is showing the beta version of MediaPulse, its next gen workflow application. Planned new features include an automated file-based workflow. 

–DVS is previewing its Clipster hardware with new functions aimed at “DVP” creation.


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  • To advance technology and innovation within the entertainment industry
  • To provide a neutral setting for the entertainment industry, technology and electronics companies and to identify and discuss pressing issues
  • To understand the impact of technology on the consumer experience and the creative process
  • To connect and leverage the University of Southern California’s extensive research facilities, faculty and student body with companies
  • To provide insight about emerging consumer habits
  • To convene industry peer groups and partners to share knowledge and experience
  • To create an environment for testing and evaluation of proposed technology solutions
  • To help identify new business models for the entertainment industry
  • To improve the consumer experience and advance the art of entertainment as the 21st century unfolds

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(March 6)

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(March 21)