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HPA Supersession: Audience Answers

Dubbed the “Pierce Silverman Show,” Jerry Pierce and Leon Silverman closed the HPA Tech Retreat Supersession with an interactive look at the future. They asked questions about the industry, as the audience held up red or green index cards to respond yes or no.

Among the questions/answers/findings:

–Will digital acquisition dominate filmmaking within five years? A lot said yes, but response was quite mixed.

–Will Blu-Ray replace DVD? Most said no.

–Hardly anyone said they currently use BD Live.

–Most believe that  in 10 years they will not be buying packaged media anymore.

–Do you want 3D sports? Most said yes.

–Do you want 3D at home? Most said yes

–Will the industry solve the piracy problem in 10 years? Most said no. A lot think the volume of piracy will go up.


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  • To advance technology and innovation within the entertainment industry
  • To provide a neutral setting for the entertainment industry, technology and electronics companies and to identify and discuss pressing issues
  • To understand the impact of technology on the consumer experience and the creative process
  • To connect and leverage the University of Southern California’s extensive research facilities, faculty and student body with companies
  • To provide insight about emerging consumer habits
  • To convene industry peer groups and partners to share knowledge and experience
  • To create an environment for testing and evaluation of proposed technology solutions
  • To help identify new business models for the entertainment industry
  • To improve the consumer experience and advance the art of entertainment as the 21st century unfolds

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