News Stories

3DFusion shows off glasses-free 3D TV around the country


…  3DFusion has announced that it is the first to market with stereoscopic broadcast quality 3D TV that needs no glasses and the company has installed a demo station for the first time to show off its hardware.

The demon installation for the TVs is in a 3D digital signage installation touting the TVs placed at The Shops at Ithaca Mall in Ithaca, NY. …

3DFusion hopes to place a bunch of the demo units in 25 major demographics areas around the country. As the demonstration stands get the tech out in the public eye the company is set to come to market with the commercial screens. 3DFusion President Steve Blumenthal says that the company is ready to enter the market with sales of glasses-free 3D screens and software tools that are competitively priced. There is no word on what the price of the TVs will be.

Read the full story here:


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