News Stories

Samsung AllShare for the Home Network

Digital content has quickly become the norm in a user’s daily life. And the need to be able to share, move, and enjoy the content at home in a seamless unified way is quickly becoming a demand that must be met. If digital is the way of the future, users must feel comfortable and have the means to share and move content around, without having to worry about the logins, IP address, or network settings.

Aiming to make it easier for consumers, Samsung has introduced AllShare, their software platform that uses DLNA to move content around a user’s home network. AllShare will allow many of Samsung new products such as the Galaxy Tab, the Galaxy smartphone, Blu-ray players, TVs, and home router to move content around the network seamlessly.

Using AllShare, a Blu-ray player can stream a movie out to a Galaxy Tab or smartphone. Also, the user can share photos from their Samsung camera or mobile phone and stream a photo slideshow to their TV. The platform even allows cameras to automatically back up photos to a computer, even if the camera is turned off.


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