TWICE: How is the 3D photography market shaping up?
Stefan Guelpen, Panasonic: Today 3D is about 5 percent of overall TV sales and 20 percent in larger screen TVs, and I believe that’s because not everybody who purchases a 3DTV knows what it means or what it does. There is a significant reluctance to watch movies wearing glasses.
Liz Cutting, Panasonic: It seems like not enough people have experienced it yet. We are reporting 3D at a 7 percent penetration level in the U.S. market, so far. That’s not a lot, and I think when we ask people what kinds of things they would be interested in watching in 3D, viewing personal images ranks as a choice. But only 1 percent are saying that they intend to go out and get a camera or camcorder with that feature, so the interest just isn’t there yet.
Mark Sherengo, Pentax: I learned last year too that it’s not a new technology. Consumers didn’t accept it years ago. There are a lot of issues with 3D. When it becomes something that the market’s really demanding, I think we’ll look at it, but I think right now we are on the sidelines more or less watching to see where it goes.
TWICE: What about lenticular 3D photo printing. Any interest yet?
David Lee, Nikon: There have been many attempts at [3D printing] through the years, but it never really caught on. To me the biggest challenge with 3D is how do you get the consumer to experience it? Because if you go to any of these displays in a big-box store, it’s very difficult to maintain that demo setup with glasses, and give the consumer any type of an enjoyable viewing experience, especially in an unassisted selling area.
Read the full article here: http://www.twice.com/article/472633-Has_3D_Imaging_Arrived_.php