News Stories

The 2011 Consumer Technology Winner – Fascinate 3D Audio/Visual System

[The Engineer]

…  Consumers are set to become more involved in their television viewing thanks to the FascinatE (a tortuous acronym for Format-Agnostic SCript-based INterACTive Experience) project, a €9.35m (£9m) scheme funded by the EU’s Seventh Framework Programme.

With 11 partners across the EU, the FascinatE team is developing a system that allows consumers to view and navigate around an ultra-high-resolution video panorama showing a live event, with the accompanying audio automatically changing to match the selected view.

The output can be adapted to their particular kind of device, covering anything from a mobile handset to an immersive panoramic display.

At the production side, this has required the development of new audio- and video-capture systems, plus scripting systems to control the shot-framing options presented to the viewer.

Moreover, to make it work, intelligent networks with processing components are being developed to re-purpose the content to suit different types of device and framing selections, and user terminals supporting interaction methods will allow viewers to control and display the content.  …

See the full story here:


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