News Stories

World's first 3D opera realised with IOSONO

[Pro Sound News Europe]

After mixing the world’s first 3D audio movie Immortals, IOSONO has been chosen for another world-premiere:Neither, the first 3D opera. Written by Morton Feldman and Samuel Beckett, Neither is staged by Berlin-based artist group phase7 and is not a typical opera.
The original orchestra is replaced by a digitally programmed virtual orchestra, allowing elaborate worlds of 3D sound floating through the audience. The only person on stage is Norwegian soprano Eir Inderhaug, who sings live in the centre of the audience.
Christian Steinhäuser, musical director of the project, adds: “For me as a musician, IOSONO opened up completely new ways of interpreting the music. It was much more than a mixing tool, but an inspiring instrument to turn opera into a new experience.”
The premiere of Neither will take place at the European Center of the Arts HELLERAU in Dresden on 2 March 2012.

See the full story here:;jsessionid=56644B74F5F88AF417F9DFBB2C90AD07


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