News Stories

World’s First Glasses Free 3D Link Between London & Russia

[3D Focus]

After months of planning, attendees to the Advanced Screen Tech and Vision Perceptiontalk (part hosted by in room 211, will witness and participate in a unique interactive session with delegates at Tomsk Polytechnic University. 3D Storytelling guests will be able to see and talk to selected participants in Russia, thousands of miles away in 3D without glasses, as if looking through a futuristic portal that bends space and time (well Tomsk is seven hours ahead!).

The groundbreaking event has been made possible by many hours of hard work, a culmination of several technologies created by the R&D teams of Dimenco and Triaxes and a collaborative partnership between Ravensbourne and 3D Focus.

The event has posed a number of challenges…

– How to generate a 3D format viewable on a Dimenco glasses free 3D lenticular screen.
– How to create 28 viewpoints from a stereo pair in real time.
– How to transmit the multi-view stream in two directions, over a regular IP connection and at a high enough quality.

Read the full story here:’s-first-glasses-free-3d-link-between-london-russia/7739


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