[3D Roundabout]
The Internet used to belong mainly to innovators and early adopters – the geeks among us. Eventually, we non-techies were able to log on without incurring a migraine. Today, the vast majority of us Google as often and as naturally as we blink.
So too regarding the evolution of 3D digital technology. … Perhaps the most exciting advance is 3D’s newly-evolved autostereoscopic status. …
If you’re an agency creative, imagine the potential and sheer fun to be had in exploring all the new avenues to highlight your brand and to astonish your clients with previously unimaginable feats of imagination. However, relatively few brands have made the 3D leap so far with Pepsi, Coke, Toyota, Lexus, Sony, Armani, Mini, and Mazda among the digital 3D pioneers.
Today, only a few dozen or so 3D commercials currently exist. Out of this batch my company, Geneva Film Co., has produced a good share including cinema 3D spots for Lexus and Sprint. So what gives? What is the hesitation among smaller agencies? …
As far as cost, for live-action 3D production, my estimate is 10 to 25 percent above shooting a typical spot in 2D (or a ‘flattie’). For bigger-budget campaigns, 3D will cost less because you have already invested in higher production value. Given the entire workflow is digital (acquisition to post to projection), you can expect some upfront costs here too. …
Read the full, lengthy and detailed story here: http://3droundabout.com/2012/02/6491/3d-in-advertising-bringing-the-wow-factor-to-campaigns.html