News Stories

What people really think about 3D TV – Survey results in!

Read the full story with commentary here:

1 – Do you think 3D will become truly ubiquitous? (ATM screens, portable DVD players, websites etc.)

772 people responded…

377 – Yes (49%)
290 – No (38%)
105 – Don’t Know (13%)

2 – Do you think 3D warrants the price premium in the cinema?

783 people responded…

136 – Yes (17%)
273 – No (35%)
374 – Yes if shot in 3D but no if converted (48%)

3 – How important will 3D be in your next computer choice?

750 people responded…

152 – Essential (20%)
217 – Would be nice to have (29%)
234 – Won’t have any influence in my decision (31%)
147 – Only interested if it was a glasses free 3D computer (20%)

4 – What are your perceptions of 3DTV? (People could tick more than once so no percentage is provided)

532 voters responded and each voter was able to select more than one option.

Sets are expensive – 173
There is nothing/very little to watch on them – 247
3D services are too expensive – 187
Poor compared to cinema experience – 64
Finally affordable – 141
Glasses are too expensive – 177
Technology has reached a compelling/exciting level – 199
Only good if screen size is big – 175
Unsocial viewing experience – 62
My lounge is too small for a 3DTV – 22
Social experience – 63
I don’t like blockbuster films and sport – it’s not for me – 13
Screen becomes too dark when viewed through glasses – 79
Just a fad – 83
Its the next best form of home entertainment – 275

5 – Do you prefer gaming in 3D?

844 people responded…

274 – Yes (32%)
77 – Yes but only in glasses free 3D (9%)
112 – No (13%)
381 – Have never played a 3D game (46%)

6 – Do you think the 2012 Olympic 3D coverage will boost the 3D industry?

706 people responded…

520 – Yes (74%)
186 – No (26%)

7 – Would you pay for a stand alone 3D channel?

750 people responded…

207 – Yes (up to £5) 28%
81 – Yes (up to £10) 11%
462 – No (just part of multi-channel sub) 61%

8 – How important will 3D be in your next TV choice?

771 people responded…

273 – Essential (35%)
177 – Nice to have (23%)
136 – Couldn’t care less (18%)
Already own a 3D TV – 185 (24%)

9 – What type of 3D TV do you prefer?

728 people responded…

421 – Passive (58%)
307 – Active (42%)

10 – Chris Johns, Sky “3D will become the prime way of viewing TV”

554 people responded…

211 – Agree (38%)
343 – Disagree (62%)


Does 3D enhance sports broadcasting?

569 people responded…

313 – Yes – It enhances it (55%)
43 – No –  It makes it worse (8%)
62 – Neutral (11%)
151 – Have not watched 3D sport (26%)

Do you have or do you know anyone with Sky 3D?

846 people responded…

248 – Yes (29%)
598 – No (71%)

Do you own or have you used a 3D laptop or phone?

530 people responded…

115 – yes (22%)
415 – No (78%)

If you’ve seen an in-store 3D TV demo did it…

604 people responded…

339 – Encourage you to buy? (56%)
60 – Discourage you to buy? (10%)
133 – Make no difference? (22%)
72 – Have not seen an in-store demo (12%)

Read the full story with commentary here:


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