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New 3D Audio Experiments

[Philip Lelyveld comment: this music producer in Perth, Australia has produced two very good, short 3D audio clips.]


I was feeling adventurous last night. I was making progress with my remake of the Outset Island theme from Wind Waker, when I imagined how cool it would be to extrude the instruments into virtual 3D space like I did with ‘Upular’ a while back. I busted out the dummy head microphones and spread my speakers across the room. In Ableton Live, I routed each instrument to one of the 4 speakers, and experimented angling and positioning them to get believable results. I don’t think it’s quite there yet, but I’m very satisfied with how it turned out. Below is a screenshot of the composition in Ableton. ….



Listen to the audio clips WITH YOUR HEADPHONES ON here:


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