News Stories

Will OLED Save The TV Industry?


Later this year, Australians will get the option of being able to buy an OLED TV when Samsung Electronics and LG launch new models but they won’t be cheap with the TV industry banking on the new technology to lift profits.

Analysts are tipping that the new TVs will probably be priced between US$8,999-9,999 in Australia. They will have better image quality, be thinner and more energy efficient than current backlit LED TVs.

LG is tipped to be the first followed by Samsung.

But will Australians buy this new technology?

The rumors are that Sony and Panasonic are also looking at launching an OLED TV offering. Sony, who initially said they would “lead the world” in OLED TVs, is now struggling to find a third party manufacturing partner due to a lack of funds.

Both Japanese Companies recently reported billion dollar losses and are discussing a possible collaboration on making sets that use new OLED technology, an official at one of the companies said. …

The painful lesson from 3D was that content and the consuming experience matter. Consumers’ purchasing behavior is driven by factors other than raw image quality.

See the full article here:


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