News Stories

Middle East, Latin American Nations Show Most Interest in 3DTV

August 12, 2010

Middle East nations, Africa, and Pakistan (MEAP) are far ahead of other regions in terms of interest in, and ownership of, 3DTVs, says a new study from Nielsen. Younger consumers, those ages 25-29, have the highest interest and intent.

To date, just 12% of online consumers own or have definite interest in purchasing a 3DTV, writes MarketingCharts.

Interest in 3DTV is highest in MEAP nations. MEAP has an ownership/definite interest index score of 200, meaning those residents are twice as likely as the global average to own or plan to buy a 3DTV.

Latin America has the second-most interest, with a score of 175.

After those two regions, there is a significant drop-off, with Asia-Pacific having a score of 100 (as likely as the global average to own or plan to buy a 3DTV), while North America and Europe both have index scores of 75 (residents are 25% less likely to own or plan to buy a 3DTV).

Mexico is the first North American country on the list in terms of 3DTV ownership, tied for seventh with India. The U.S. comes in tied with Switzerland for the 27th-highest index score. The top six countries are Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Pakistan, Colombia, Venezuela, and Vietnam.

3-D Content on the Rise

By the end of this year, over 50 broadcasters and pay-TV operators globally will offer 3DTV services, according to a new report from IMS Research; the production of 3-D content specifically for home consumption will increase significantly over the next few years, the report says (via IPTV).

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