News Stories

Adtrack Best Liked Ads July 2010 – June 2011 (LG is #1)


Adtrack™ is Millward Brown’s proprietary advertising testing system, evaluating the impact and liking of all brand advertising in South Africa over the last 27 years, according to the most important critics – the consumer.  …

LG’s ‘3D Smart TV – More Fun’ ad has topped the Best Liked Ad’s list this year. The ad was created by HS-Ad, the Global LG Agency. Says Bronwyn Hume, Senior Manager – Corporate Marketing and Strategy Development for LG, “For our cinema 3D launch campaign, we had several core objectives: to introduce our new advanced 3D technology by generating immediate awareness, to gain consumer and industry attention by creating controversy and noise while making 3D TV an industry topic again, and to develop creative that would communicate our many product advantages.”

They used a creative strategy that was humorous and witty, a traditional winner with regards to the consumer, and the ad worked across global markets, a win for the savvy marketer in these post recession times as brands continue to feel the impact of the economic downturn.  …

JULY 2010 – JUNE 2011

1 LG 3D TV: More fun HS-Ad
2 Microsoft Windows phone: Really? Crispin Porter & Bogusky
3 Blackberry BBM: DJ Net#work BBDO
4 Bakers tennis biscuits: Gogo Ogilvy Johannesburg
5 Vodacom: Warra warra Draftfcb Johannesburg
6 Toyota Hilux: Man up Draftfcb Johannesburg
7 8ta: Domestic workers McCann Erickson
8 Klipdrift: Favourite brother Draftfcb Cape Town
9 Coca-Cola: Refreshment Ogilvy Johannesburg
10 FNB: Anthem Metropolitan Republic
11 Volvo S60: Eye-catching EuroRSCG
12 Panado: Parrot Draftfcb Johannesburg
13 Coca-Cola: Snow Globe McCann Erickson Worldwide
14 Protex Propolis: Barrier Protection Y&R
15 Toyota Corolla: Blue Danube Draftfcb Johannesburg
16 Nestlé: Healthy Start Ogilvy Health World
17 Lindt Chocolate: Richest flavour Grey
18 Audi A4: Chandelier Ogilvy Cape Town
19 Blackberry torch: Across the world Net#work BBDO
20 Yamaha: Blazing Talent Tswelopele Productions



















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