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Industry Leaders Discuss Consumer 3D Printing Market [Video]

[Philip Lelyveld comment: around 45 minutes in they discuss patent protection.]

[on 3D Printing]

Dale Dougherty, co-founder of O’Reilly Media, hosted a panel on consumer 3D printing at the MIT/Stanford VLAB in April.

3D Printing is poised to become a part of our daily lives, allowing consumers to make things in a new era of mass customization. Once an expensive technology used by engineers, 3D printers today print car bodies, medical and dental prosthetics, high-fashion shoes and much more. Layer by layer, 3D printers deposit material to build up one-of-a-kind products, even with complex internal shapes.

Virtual marketplaces, cheaper printers and cloud-based consumer software are transforming the 3D Printing ecosystem, bringing the technology within the reach of everyone. With a current market size of $1.3 billion, the 3D printing industry is set to explode to $3.1 billion by 2016, according to industry consulting firm Wohlers Associates.
Join us and our industry leading panelists to understand business models and see the technology in action.

Shapeways CEO Peter Weijmarshausen joins leaders from 3D SystemsAutodesk, and London College of Fashion, and MAKE Magazine in the video below.

Watch the full video here:

New purchasable 3D market research report from ReportLinker

[Press Release] announces that a new market research report is available in its catalogue:

Three-Dimensional (3D) Technology Market (2011 – 2016) by Products (3D IC, 3D Printer, 3D Display – HMD, 3D Smartphone, 3D TV, 3D Digital Signage), Applications (3D Animation, 3D Printing, 3D Medical Imaging, 3D CAD, 3D Gaming, 3D Cinema) & Technology (St–-2016-by-Products-3D-IC-3D-Printer-3D-Display-–-HMD-3D-Smartphone-3D-TV-3D-Digital-Signage-Applications-3D-Animation-3D-Printing-3D-Medical-Imaging-3D-CAD-3D-Gaming-3D-Cinema–Technology-St.html#utm_source=prnewswire&utm_medium=pr&utm_campaign=Movie_and_Video_Distribution

Three-Dimensional (3D) Technology Market (2011 – 2016) by Products (3D IC, 3D Printer, 3D Display – HMD, 3D Smartphone, 3D TV, 3D Digital Signage), Applications (3D Animation, 3D Printing, 3D Medical Imaging, 3D CAD, 3D Gaming, 3D Cinema) & Technology (Stereoscopy, Auto-Stereoscopy, Volumetric) Focus, Global Forecast & Analysis – Features Introduction to 4D Technology

Three Dimension (3D) technologies has now commercialized in most of the products and applications such as Smartphone, TV, Animation, Gaming, Medical imaging etc. After the success of ‘Avatar’, numbers of producers are releasing their movies in 2D as well as 3D version. Thus, 3D cinemas have become the additional revenue generator for cinema producers.

Products like 3D Smartphone, 3D printer, 3D gaming consoles etc. are latest 3D technology based products, which have just been launched and are yet to capture the market, but as 3D market is progressing rapidly, these products are expected to perform better in near future. This report provides information on 3D glasses by company and by different features. The report describes a comparison matrix of 3D glasses, which includes different company models along with their features.

After commercialization of 3D technology, 4D is making its way in the field of medical imaging and BIM (Building information modeling). 4D cinema has also become popular, although it is just a marketing term used by 4D cinema owners and 4D cinema producers. In 4D BIM, architects or engineers are able to make forecasted image of their projects with the combination of 4D and CAD tools. It also helps in predicting the timeline of the projects. In 4D medical imaging, it helps to display the affected organ or development of fetus over certain period of time. It helps doctor in curing the disease of the patient.

In global 3D technology market, North America is a leading market. North America is a huge base for 3D gaming and animation designers; which shares the largest percentage in overall 3D product and applications market. It is followed by Europe and APAC. APAC has the fastest growing rate of 21.96%. In addition, most of the 3D technology product and applications providers are based out of North America and APAC region; hence from supply side also North America is leading.

This report deals with all the driving factors, restraints, and opportunities for the 3D technology market, which is helpful in identifying trends and key success factors for the industry. The report also profiles companies that are active in the field of 3D, technology with their competitive landscape and strategies. It highlights the winning strategies and burning issues pertaining to the 3D technology industry.

The global 3D technology, products and applications market is expected to reach $227.27 billion in 2016 at an estimated CAGR of 15.81% from 2011 to 2016. North America will remain at the top followed by Europe and APAC. Gaming and animation will be leading application areas in 3D industry.

Scope of the report The 3D technology market research report categorizes the global market of Three-Dimensional (3D) technology, products and applications based on products, industrial applications and consumer applications; it also covers the forecasted revenue and future trends of Global 3D and 4D technology market. This report also gives an insight to 4D technology along with concept and its applications.On the basis of Products Global 3D technology, products and applications market is categorized into 3D IC, 3D printer, 3D digital signage and 3D display. 3D display is a broad category, which further covers HMD, 3D TV and 3D Smartphone.On the basis of application areas Applications areas of 3D technology have been broadly classified into two categories industrial and consumer. Industrial applications cover 3D animation and 3D CAD, whereas consumer applications cover 3D gaming, 3D cinema and 3D medical imaging. In addition, applications of 4D technology are also covered such as 4D BIM, 4D Medical imaging.On the basis of geography Geographical analysis coversNorth America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and ROW. All the geographical areas have been forecasted, based on product type and application areas.

See the Table of Contents and the full press release here:—2016-by-products-3d-ic-3d-printer-3d-display—hmd-3d-smartphone-3d-tv-3d-digital-signage-applications-3d-animation-3d-printing-3d-medical-imaging-3d-cad-3d-gaming-3-155268745.html


Specification for Naming VFX Image Sequences Released

ETC’s VFX Working Group has published a specification for best practices naming image sequences such as plates and comps. File naming is an essential tool for organizing the multitude of frames that are inputs and outputs from the VFX process. Prior to the publication of this specification, each organization had its own naming scheme, requiring custom processes for each partner, which often resulted in confusion and miscommunication.

The new ETC@USC specification focuses primarily on sequences of individual images. The initial use case was VFX plates, typically delivered as OpenEXR or DPX files. However, the team soon realized that the same naming conventions can apply to virtually any image sequence. Consequently, the specification was written to handle a wide array of assets and use cases.

To ensure all requirements are represented, the working group included over 2 dozen participants representing studios, VFX houses, tool creators, creatives and others.  The ETC@USC also worked closely with MovieLabs to ensure that the specification could be integrated as part of their 2030 Vision.

A key design criteria for this specification is compatibility with existing practices.  Chair of the VFX working group, Horst Sarubin of Universal Pictures, said: “Our studio is committed to being at the forefront of designing best industry practices to modernize and simplify workflows, and we believe this white paper succeeded in building a new foundation for tools to transfer files in the most efficient manner.”

This specification is compatible with other initiatives such as the Visual Effects Society (VES) Transfer Specifications. “We wanted to make it as seamless as possible for everyone to adopt this specification,” said working group co-chair and ETC@USC’s Erik Weaver. “To ensure all perspectives were represented we created a team of industry experts familiar with the handling of these materials and collaborated with a number of industry groups.”

“Collaboration between MovieLabs and important industry groups like the ETC is critical to implementing the 2030 Vision,” said Craig Seidel, SVP of MovieLabs. “This specification is a key step in defining the foundations for better software-defined workflows. We look forward to continued partnership with the ETC on implementing other critical elements of the 2030 Vision.”

The specification is available online for anyone to use.

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