News Stories

Disney XD Takes Nerd Corps’ Slugterrainea


[By Kristin Brzoznowski, World Screen]

Nerd Corps Entertainment has secured slots on Disney XD in the U.S. and globally for its original action property Slugterrainea.

The 39×22-minute 3D animated HD series is currently in development for a 2012 launch. The sci-fi action-adventure is set deep in an underground world where every cavern holds a new adventure. The story follows Elias Shane, who is determined to be the greatest Slugslinging hero, collecting, training and dueling with slugs.


“It’s just a great fantasy world to spend time in,” said Ace Fipke, CEO and Supreme Commander at Nerd Corps and series creator. “There’s comedy, there’s excitement and battle, and on top of that you have an arsenal of live ammo—little slug buddies that you get to shoot out of high powered slingers. And they magically transform into ferocious battle beasts to help you beat the bad guy. What more could a kid want?”

Ken Faier, el Presidente of Nerd Corps Entertainment, added, “Disney XD has seen considerable increases year on year since they launched, and we’re very excited that they are so on‐board and recognize the potential for this show to have a massive appeal, one that we believe will reach beyond television. The world is deep and rich, and most importantly, fun. We know kids are going to want to enter this world and learn how to slug it out everywhere they can!”

See the original post here:


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