News Stories

Electric sunglasses record life through your eyes

[GizMag / Kickstarter]

There is a bandwagon just starting to roll containing various pairs of video-capable and augmented reality glasses. Google is currently in the driver’s seat, but it’s far from the only company working on ways to allow us all to record video from a first-person perspective and integrate what we see into our online lives. A case in point is Vergence Labs’ Social Video Electric Eyewear, a project that aims to raise US$50K via crowdfunding site Kickstarter. …

The Social Video Electric Eyewear, as they’re ominously named, are firstly a pair of electric-powered sunglasses that utilize “chromatic shifting conductive glass” to enable the lenses to be lightened or darkened with the press of a button. Secondly they contain a tiny camera capable of recording 720p video through the eyes of the wearer. The camera faces the world through a pinhole set between the two lenses, meaning the recorded images should be as close as possible to capturing the world as the wearer sees it. The video is saved to a microSD card, but the disappointing battery life of two hours means you won’t be able to capture every moment of every day.

Whatever is captured can be shared via YouGen.TV, a video-sharing site which can then connect with social networking platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. Vergence Labs sees this as an opportunity to share “life memories” with other people. …

Other products in the same field are also being developed, with an immersive reality visor already at the prototype stage. …

ZionEyez and Pivothead are both already offering sunglasses with video cameras built in to them. And then, lest we forget, there is Project Glass. The Google effort …

See the full story here:


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