News Stories

Enterprise-wide 3D Visualization Improves Imaging Quality and Patient Care (visualization, not S3D)

[Digital Journal]

Advanced three-dimensional imaging adoption is moving beyond the radiology department into cardiology, orthopedics, and the OR. Vendors are moving quickly to provide the best possible solutions.

Three-dimensional (3D) visualization is valuable in a variety of clinical applications because of its ability to provide advanced diagnostic information that was previously unavailable or difficult to obtain with a 2-dimensional (2D) image. The new KLAS report, “Enterprise 3D 2011: Filling a Need?,” discusses the growing adoption of enterprise 3D in hospitals, as well as which vendors are providing the best solutions.”Advanced imaging has evolved from 3D applications commonly found on the modality workstations to 3D-specific workstations,” said Kirk Ising, author of the report. “Enterprise advanced 3D imaging solutions can be accessed from anywhere. Some of the questions providers are asking about 3D technology are how clinically beneficial the technology is, will reimbursements keep up, and does the potential for improved diagnosis justify the costs.”

In organizations using enterprise 3D technology, physicians are asking for 3D post-processing on about 38 percent of scans. This is followed by cardiology at 49 percent, molecular imaging at 28 percent, and orthopedics at 21 percent; interventional, OR, oncology, and ED all came in at less than 20 percent adoption rates. …

Read the full story here:


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