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EON Reality and Spatial Thinking Team Up to Deliver Interactive 3D Math Educational Simulation Applications

[Press Release]

EON Reality, the world’s leading interactive 3D software provider, is teaming up with Spatial Thinking LLC, an interactive simulation tool provider for teaching and learning math. Spatial Thinking’s content is available on the EON Experience Portal,, where users can instantly choose from thousands of 3D models. Try the Space Geometry and Measurement learning application for free at to the “EON Application” tab and click Free Trial) and view also the Space, Geometry, and Measurement Module video at

“Any product aimed at teachers and students must be one that inspires discovery, experimentation, and engagement. Other elements such as curriculum and standards alignment are equally important. Great care is taken so that all the ingredients that make up our products work together seamlessly to help nurture an environment that is conducive to learning,” said George Dekermenjian, Founder of Spatial Thinking LLC.

George Dekermenjian began his work as an educator as a high school mathematics teacher. George spent three years experimenting with different visualization technologies including basic 3D models, 3D animations, and ultimately with interactive 3D simulations. During his preliminary work, he consulted with students and other teachers to help mold an idea of product that centered around the ultimately users — teachers and students. He ended up with an EON based 3D math simulation for K-12 in geometry and shapes.

“We are very excited about the opportunity for excellent teaching and learning applications such as what Spatial Thinking has developed. It takes the combination of subject matter experts and 3D technology experts to achieve something like this. Given the vast impact of 3D in the classroom where studies have shown that test scores can increase by up to 35% and retention by up to 80%, we are especially excited about the impact this will have in STEM education,” concluded Mats W. Johansson, President of EON Reality, Inc.

Learn more about Interactive 3D Learning for K-12 at

See the original press release here:


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