News Stories

FIRST LOOK at SeaWorld's TurtleTrek entrance

[Central Florida News]

…In another Central Florida On Demand exclusive, we were the only ones allowed through the doors to see the 3D 360 degree theater with house lights on, and this far along.

“No one’s ever done a 3D dome before. It is hyper-real 3D all around the guests, including overhead. It’s jaw-dropping.”

One-hundred-ninety people at a time can stand in the theater to watch a sea turtle’s incredible journey. We’re told the first minute-and-a-half is pretty intense as 34 projectors and 22 audio channels expose a sea turtle’s hardships. You’re taken on their epic journey to see the extraordinary challenges they face to survive and even how — somewhat miraculously — they make it back to where they hatched. …

See the full story here:


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