News Stories

Godard working on a 3D film

[Oh No They Didn’t]

Coming off the divisiveFilm Socialisme, French New Wave pioneer Jean-Luc Godard is not simply resting on his laurels.The Breathlessdirector is already in production in his next film, titledGoodbye to Languageand the production company Wild Bunch have revealed the currently shooting film will be in 3D, along with information on the cast and first sales poster for the film they’re taking to the Cannes market. …

While there is no official synopsis, Godard previously expressed interest in 3D back in 2010, saying he likes“when new techniques are introduced. Because it doesn’t have any rules yet.”He went on to say this film will be about”a man and his wife who no longer speak the same language. The dog they take on walks then intervenes and speaks. How I’ll do it, I don’t yet know. The rest is simple.”

It sounds like he’s figured it out, as Godard is in production already. …

See the full story here:


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