News Stories

Is 3D Television Here To Stay?

[techmaish Blogging, Social Media, Tech]

When 3D movies first burst into existence in the 1950s, audiences adorned with green and red spectacles flocked in their thousands to see the latest cinematic creations at movie theaters across America.

In 2010, 3D television was brought to our homes through 3D-enabled televisions. Cue some rather bulky glasses and the ability to watch our favorite films in full 3D whilst sitting on our sofas.

Later the same year, the first glasses-free 3D experience was planned by Toshiba and it was brought into the market in 2011. By 2015, the company hopes to make their glasses-free television open to the mass market.  …

Just a fad or paving the way?

You’ve got to admit, 3D television is pretty impressive. It’s certainly not merely another form of a console or a new version of a digital camera. Instead, it deserves its place as a popular technological advancement of the 21st century.

3D TV could go two ways; remain at the popular position it currently holds in our technological world, or continue to grow and evolve to fit ever-changing needs and ideals in the tech community. I predict the latter will happen…

See the full story here:


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