News Stories

Nokia and Samsung have 3D in their sights

[Rethink Wireless]

… According to the patent for Nokia its 3D device would use similar screens to HTC and LG’s handset which are able to display a different image to each eye creating the 3D effect. Also similar to the other companies’ handsets is the fact that the 3D effect can be turned on or off. Samsung’s display would work on a similar principle where different information is transmitted to each eye.

It’s interesting to know that the Lumia-maker and Galaxy-maker have been considering using 3D tech in their smartphones though there’s no doubt it’s fairly low on the list of features consumers want on their devices. Also as far as any Windows Phone devices go the simple UI isn’t exactly screaming out to be displayed in an extra dimension.

Anyone after a 3D phone who doesn’t want to wait to see what, if anything, Nokia or Samsung have up their sleeves an updated version of the LG Optimus 3D was released back in April. …

See the full story here:


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