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RealD tech heightens 3D programming on Unreal Engine 3


Epic is broadening Unreal Engine 3’s stereoscopic 3D capabilities, with RealD technology now available to any users in Epic’s paid licensing program and to users of the Unreal Development Kit, the free version of the Unreal Engine 3 toolkit. The RealD update is included in today’s May 2012 UDK Beta download.

RealD allows developers to render PC and console games in stereoscopic 3D, with camera separation and 3D depth effects rendered in real-time, among other features. The first Unreal Engine 3 title to use RealD is Seamless Entertainment’s SOL: Exodus, which received an update on Steam today to include 3D effects.

Unreal Engine 3 first received stereoscopic 3D capabilities in 2010 with TriOviz. TriOviz was used in Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition, Arkham CityThor: God of Thunder and Enslaved: Odyssey to the West.

RealD is used in many other high-profile 3D endeavors, including films such as The Avengers, and the forthcoming titles Prometheus and The Amazing Spider-Man.

See the original post here:


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