Debra has been a Freelance editor in the field of entertainment technology since 1988; her stories have been in New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Wired, Reuters, Bloomberg Business News as well as every leading entertainment industry trade publication including American Cinematographer, International Cinematographers Guild Magazine, Film & Video, Television Broadcast etc.
Writer at the United Nations Department of Public Information (NYC) and UNESCO’s Culture division (Paris)
Writer/Editor at UCLA in a research division (Chicano Studies Research Center) and for the Journal of Symbolic Logic (Mathematics Department)
Moderator of panels at Produced By, National Association of TV Producers, National Association of Broadcasters, Digital Hollywood, Consumer Electronics Show and the American Film Institute among many others.
On-air host of streaming video programs and on-air interviewee for several documentaries.
Life-long history of volunteerism including Minds Matter Los Angeles (teaching critical thinking/writing) and Big Sisters Los Angeles.