News Stories

Want interactive learning? Forget the Smartboard. Consider 3D!

[The Innovative Educator]

… Unlike expensive Smartboard technology, which claims to be interactive, but actually promotes poor pedagogyGaia 3D provides true interactivity and engagement. It can be used in virtually any content area with libraries in BiologyChemistryGeographyPhysicsMathematicsPhysical EducationEnglish and more. What’s more, labels, signs, identifiers, artifacts, and audio can be added in any language desired.  The interactivity comes from the ability of the user to literally choose their own discovery and adventure, add and create their own content. One of the newest innovations is that it is partnering with Xbox Kinect so students’ can actually see their effect on the environment or objects. For those who can’t leave the board behind, Gaia 3D can be integrated with that as well.
Teachers using the technology report students are on task, excited, and engaged. They report that it makes difficult concepts much easier to understand and …
Read the full story here;


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(March 6)

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